RM1115x Overview:
RM1115x piezoelectric sensing+2-channel capacitive sliding detection chip is a high-performance proximity sensor detection chip with advantages such as ultra-high sensitivity and ultra-low power consumption. It is suitable for IOT hardware devices such as intelligent wearable devices, especially for piezoelectric pressure detection and finger sliding motion detection of TWS earphones.
RM1115x can detect the distance between the metal electrode plate and the object to be tested, as well as the change in charge voltage of the piezoelectric sensor, and quantify it into a numerical value through high-performance ADC. Then, the internal proximity detection algorithm is used to determine the distance between the object and the electrode plate, or when the change in charge voltage reaches a certain value, RM1115x will generate a direct synchronization level or event encoded pulse waveform output.
The internal self calibration circuit of RM1115x can eliminate fixed distance errors at the sensor end.
RM1115x has a wealth of configurable registers that can be adjusted and calibrated for different structural sensors and working environments, and can achieve high-performance and low-power tuning according to user needs.
RM1115x Features:
High precision ADC and DSP environment adaptive intelligent algorithms, automatic adaptive thresholds and sensitivity levels, programmable detection range, programmable scanning cycle, and so on.
External single power supply of 2.4-5.5V
Built-in voltage stabilizing circuit
Programmable offset compensation provided internally
Supports multiple event output formats: direct synchronous level output, event encoded pulse waveform output, etc
Support I2C for parameter adjustment
Support program burning and upgrading of EEPROM through I2C bus and VPP burning power pins
IO defaults to input, output is open drain output, external pull-up resistor needs to be added to pull up to the required power domain
Scanning mode: 5uA~10uA/CH
Packaging form: DFN10L (2X2)
RM1115x application range:
Various consumer products
RM1115x ordering information:
Packaging type
Packaging quantity
RM1115B |
DFN10L |
Braid |
5000 |
RM1115C |
DFN10L |
Braid |
5000 |
RM1115x chip block diagram:
RM1115x pin configuration:
RM1115x reference schematic diagram: